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The Best Gifts to Send Parents When Their Baby Arrives

There are few life events more exciting than having a baby. It is certainly an occasion that warrants celebration and it is customary to buy a gift for close friends or family when their baby does arrive. When it comes to baby gifts, however, most people tend to stick to onesies, bibs, toys, etc. that are neither very personal nor...[ read more ]

7 Reasons Why Cookies are Good for the Soul

COOKIES ARE GOOD FOR THE SOUL Seriously, is there anyone out there who doesn’t love cookies? If there is, we haven’t met one yet. Not only are cookies delicious, eating them will just make you feel good (unless, of course, you eat too many and give yourself a stomach ache)! Here are seven reasons that cookies are not only good...[ read more ]

5 Creative Easter Cookies

Sometimes cookies get forgotten in the middle of all the egg-hunting during Easter time. But don’t worry, we are here to remind you why cookies deserve a place in your Easter basket just as much as candy and eggs! Easter cookies are even more fun to decorate in our opinion (they taste better too). Here are some of our favorite...[ read more ]

Best Type of Frosting for Decorating Cookies

GET THE BEST FROSTING FOR DECORATING There are many types of frosting used in baking, but are all of them created equal? When it comes to decorating cookies, there are a few specific types of frostings that really “take the cake” (see what we did there?!). Buttercream The Upside Buttercream frosting is a very popular and also one of the...[ read more ]

5 Creative Valentine’s Day Cookies

Everyone loves cookies. Seriously, ask around and we bet that finding a cookie-hater will be quite the challenge. While some deserts can be too rich, too decadent, too chocolatey, etc., there are so many different variations of cookies, that there is really something for everyone. The fact that cookies are so lovable makes them the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day,...[ read more ]
