Order by April 17th by 4PM EST
for on time Easter arrival!


A Cookie Bouquet for Santa

MAKE A COOKIE BOUQUET FOR SANTA Personally, the Santa that visits my home doesn’t seem to mind what kind of cookies are left out for him seeing as the plate is always empty in the morning. This year, why not surprise Santa with something new? Try a cookie bouquet! Making a cookie bouquet is easier than you think, but it...[ read more ]

10 Reasons to be Thankful for Cookies

Top 10 Reasons to Thankful For Cookies Thanksgiving is just around the corner and there’s so much to be thankful for—especially cookies! Here are the top 10 reasons you should be thankful for cookies too... Cookies are Delicious Let’s face it, the number one reason we eat (and love) cookies is that they are simply delicious. From sweet to salty...[ read more ]

Ghosts, and Ghouls, and Cookies, Oh My!

With all the falling leaves and pumpkin spice flavored food and drink, it’s Halloween season! As kids, we looked forward to dressing up as our favorite superhero and collecting as much candy as possible. But Halloween shouldn’t be all about the candy. There are a million other sweet treats to consider, including cookies! Here are some Halloween inspired ideas for...[ read more ]

Cookies for Back to School

It’s back-to-school time and everyone is madly preparing for another year of lost shoes in the morning, fighting over homework, and keeping up with activity-filled schedules. During all your preparation, don’t forget to spread a little cheer and celebrate the wonderful moments of learning that school brings. The Teacher Teachers are the backbone of the school system and you’ll need...[ read more ]

Founder of Cookie Bouquets Featured in Entrepreneurs of Columbus

When placing an order for a bouquet of cookies, you likely don't think about the local business owner behind the eCommerce company. Christian McCoy, the Founder of Cookie Bouquets, was recently featured in Entrepreneurs of Columbus. He talked about his favorite parts of the business, what keeps him up at night and the future direction of the company. READ INTERVIEW....[ read more ]
